ok. so today was a pretty good day. In third we were watching a video about soil. And the video paused and the guy who was speaking looked weird when it paused Jackie said "he looks like he's pooping!" and the whole class started laughing. I will never forget this one or the buffalo one. Another weird thing happened today in the same class. Mr. Hellstern was talking about the video and he said "I know this video isn't sexy....." yeah. that kinda creeped me out. He said it seriously too. He wasn't joking. He's one of those people who when they say something like that, really creeps you out...
Last night i went to a jazz performance at the Union Station. It was pretty cool. Afterwards me and ayla took a pic of me on her back in front of the big black train there. It was fun. Tomorrow i'm going to the valentine dance. I hope stacy can come. I'll have to call her tonight.
Don't you ever feel your phone vibrating even when it's not, especially when it's not even in your pocket?
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