So yesterday was pretty spiftastic. After school, Jaymee came over and i straightened her hair. Then a few hours later my friends, Luke and Patrick, came over so we could all go to DaVinci's last home game. The games were pretty good. Girls/Boys won: 36-30/48-46. Then after the game we took Jessica home, and Jaymee stayed the night with me. I had a lot of fun, the most i've had in a while.
On Thursday i went to the Sundance Film Festival at the egyptian theatre to see the movie, Buck. It was pretty good, and the main person in the documentary, Buck, was there to do a Q/A afterwards. Thursday was an o.k. day for the most part, and i just happened to forget about my piano lesson that day.
Wednesday was kinda fun. Jamie came over and i put a hair braid in her hair, and then we went over to young womans for a recipe exchange, and tried some really tasty treats; and me and Jamie took tons of photos lol.