so on tuesday at 4 am we are leaving to go to the airport to leave for west virginia to visit my grandparents for 13 days. and to celebrate their 50th anniversary. our plane leaves at 7 and we leave on the 4th of july. it's exciting and it'll be fun. and i also got gold flats to have for the trip. (cuz 50 yrs is golden. you get it?) ya.
and i just got back from a week of camp on saturday and it was soo fun:) there was only 63 people there so the there werent many people as im used to at camp. i had a lot of fun and got burned at the lake on my back. i tried to fix my farmer's tan but it didnt work out as i wanted it lol.
This blog is about my life at high school, friends I make here, and the memorable times we make together.
Maranda's High School Adventures:]
Friendship is like wetting your pants. Everyone can see it but only you can feel the warmth.
"(gasp) I'd thought I'd find another woman here! ""You caught me at a bad time. I usually have three or four." True friends are hard to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget. Friends are people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter, and live a little better. Hey, don't frown. You don't know who could be falling in love with your smile :) Beauty is found; not created- jaymee blacker She always believed in second chances... Live so that those who know you but don't know him, will want to know him because they know you.If you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you wanted in one moment, would you capture it or just let it slip?
sexy legs and hot lips

yearbook buddies