Maranda's High School Adventures:]
This blog is about my life at high school, friends I make here, and the memorable times we make together.
Maranda's High School Adventures:]
Friendship is like wetting your pants. Everyone can see it but only you can feel the warmth.
"(gasp) I'd thought I'd find another woman here! ""You caught me at a bad time. I usually have three or four." True friends are hard to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget. Friends are people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter, and live a little better. Hey, don't frown. You don't know who could be falling in love with your smile :) Beauty is found; not created- jaymee blacker She always believed in second chances... Live so that those who know you but don't know him, will want to know him because they know you.If you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you wanted in one moment, would you capture it or just let it slip?
sexy legs and hot lips

yearbook buddies
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Monday, March 28, 2011
It's Mulitgenre Time Again!!
Yep. It's this time of year again in publications where mrs. Taylor assigns us a multi genre project where we basically make a "book", in a sense, where we combine different types of writing. It's pretty legit. This year I'm doing it on photography, but more so in the theme on ansel adams. i'm going to use only his quotes in it. and i'm only going to use my photos. It's will be pretty legit this year. i'm excited:) but it's due friday so i better get crackin'!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Hmmm. well, it's almost done, final final deadline is like next week. And now we're trying to get everything PERFECT. so i gotta stay after everyday haha. sooo fun:)
Monday, January 31, 2011

Friends. I realize that i can't live without a lot of my close friends. They help me get out of my shell and get out there; well sorta. They show me a lot of things that i couldn't realize on my own, and we learn from each other's mistakes. Sometimes i may not act like i appreciate them, but i do. I just wanted to say that i love you guys<3
Saturday, January 29, 2011
january 28 2011

So yesterday was pretty spiftastic. After school, Jaymee came over and i straightened her hair. Then a few hours later my friends, Luke and Patrick, came over so we could all go to DaVinci's last home game. The games were pretty good. Girls/Boys won: 36-30/48-46. Then after the game we took Jessica home, and Jaymee stayed the night with me. I had a lot of fun, the most i've had in a while.
On Thursday i went to the Sundance Film Festival at the egyptian theatre to see the movie, Buck. It was pretty good, and the main person in the documentary, Buck, was there to do a Q/A afterwards. Thursday was an o.k. day for the most part, and i just happened to forget about my piano lesson that day.
Wednesday was kinda fun. Jamie came over and i put a hair braid in her hair, and then we went over to young womans for a recipe exchange, and tried some really tasty treats; and me and Jamie took tons of photos lol.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Last School Day Of 2010:)

So today being the last day of the school year before break, DaVinci always has a service day. My advisory and Borup's adv. went to the old folks home for veterans. We arrived at the bus stop half an hour before it was supposed to come because we got mixed up with the times.
So we all gathered by the gas station away from the wind, because it was freezing outside. So we waited about half an hour, and one of the guys in our group brought a guitar so we were entertained by him singing us songs. Don't you just love our school? haha and after a while we went inside the gas station so warm up. And FINALLY the bus came.
So when we arrived we went into a part of the building where they were all sitting out in the lobby place of the hallway. So what we did was entertain them with music,and singing. The guy with the guitar sang and played songs, and they brought in the piano and I played some songs. It turned out to be pretty good.
On Wednesday for young womans we went to lights at willard bay. it was extremely cold so ayla gave me her coat(she is a human heater). I also had to type up my story that night so I wanted to go home.
Thursday night was my band concert. I played with the beg. band(which is my class) and also the advanced band. I'd say we all did pretty good, but when I played with the adv. band I was sorta lost in a song because I was only able to practice two or three times with them.
That day I also presented a story that we were assigned to write for enlish. I had no idea what to write, so I had Jaymee help me come up with an idea. It turned out better than I had expected. We read it to the class, and they actually liked it.
Today was my seminary teacher's last day, because they're switching him out; everyone will miss him.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sometimes I wake up thinking, "what am i going to wear today?" But instead it's usually, "What collared shirt am i going to wear today?", and then I have a dilemma of what collared shirt that will be...
Friday, December 3, 2010
December 1st

On Wednesday, my publications class decided to all wear our newspaper t-shirts. we all looked pretty snazzy. So tonight, we are having a yearbook night, which starts at eight. And we will be staying the night at the school. We will have pizza, and snacks and all that stuff there too. It will be really fun, and we've never had a yearbook night where we stayed the night at the school:)
Hopefully Gabby comes back to DaVinci soon again because everyone misses her and it isn't the same without her here.
Today in Honors English, we took a little walk around the block. So, to make this walk mean something to Jonesinski, he "related it to the story we are reading, 'The woman with the toy dog'. In the story there is this guy who cheats on his wife with different woman, and seems to take notice to everyone who walks by on the street. So every person we passed we stared at them, and he told us to think about what kind of life they might have. This was really funny because there are some weird people out there, and as they walked by i just stared at them.
On Wednesday for young womans, we helped make christmas decorations for the ward christmas party. Then when we got bored
with it we went into the hall and sat down.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Publication's Class Adventure!!! a.k.a Hi, we're DaVinci; we check you out!
today my publications class went to a newspaper workshop that we go to every year at the u of u in slc. we took the frontrunner at 645 so i had to be up at 4 and barely made it to the train, where i met up with everyone and got my newspaper t-shirt that we finally decided to get. they turned out to be a little small for everyone (they were babydolls) so they tried to stretch them out a little, which actually worked and stretched out more once they put them on. jaymee said she looked like a 17 yr old who got 7boob jobs, and it was true. her shirt was a large, which she needed an xl. when we got to slc we transfered to the trax where we got off and walked to the university and went to four workshops starting at 830 which were 50 minutes each. the workshops i went to were about photojournalism. then we got free provided lunch, which consisted of subs, cookies, chips, apples, and soda. it was pretty good. then we took pictures of all of us in our t-shirts which turned out pretty good. it was over at 130 and then we made it to the trax around 200 and managed to make the 227 train to ogden; and managed to get the doors of the train hit my arms as i hurried on:/
it turned out to be really fun, and we had so many laughing moments/memories.
it turned out to be really fun, and we had so many laughing moments/memories.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
so today was actually really fun. me jaymee and jessica had soo many moments. we laughed so much. and we took so many pictures too. during forth period jaymee came and got me out of 4th period geometry and went down to the odgen river for a photo shoot for her photography class assignment. the props were three pink flowers and a red balloon.
"Beauty is found, not created" - Jaymee Blacker
"Beauty is found, not created" - Jaymee Blacker
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
its just another wednesday
Buts and Colons: The Complete Guide To English Anatomy
This is what my 5th period honors english randomly came up with. we have the craziest things going on in that class. they just make me laugh...oh and there's only 8 students in that class.
Here's something i wrote for my photo column, Picture This, for Newspaper
Your childhood starts from your first steps, maybe even your first breath. From shimmering high tops, to rubber dinosaurs; yet sharing your pink tricycle isn't at all on a two year olds mind. Your whole world seems to crumble when you see your friend from down the street jump on and peddle away on your tricycle you got from Wal Mart that your parents bought you because your often spoiled from being the youngest of four.
But today is your second birthday, the day your whole family's been planning for for the last few weeks. It's nothing like your first birthday- a small family party where you get a whole piece of cake to yourself and all the attention is on you. The second party is where you invite a few of your friends that live down the street, and even your close cousins. You even have a pinate filled with the type of candy the stores have during Halloween. You have such excitement when you get to hit it with a stick from the apple tree, after you find out that there's candy inside, one of your favorite things in the whole world besides popsicles.
This is what my 5th period honors english randomly came up with. we have the craziest things going on in that class. they just make me laugh...oh and there's only 8 students in that class.
Here's something i wrote for my photo column, Picture This, for Newspaper
Your childhood starts from your first steps, maybe even your first breath. From shimmering high tops, to rubber dinosaurs; yet sharing your pink tricycle isn't at all on a two year olds mind. Your whole world seems to crumble when you see your friend from down the street jump on and peddle away on your tricycle you got from Wal Mart that your parents bought you because your often spoiled from being the youngest of four.
But today is your second birthday, the day your whole family's been planning for for the last few weeks. It's nothing like your first birthday- a small family party where you get a whole piece of cake to yourself and all the attention is on you. The second party is where you invite a few of your friends that live down the street, and even your close cousins. You even have a pinate filled with the type of candy the stores have during Halloween. You have such excitement when you get to hit it with a stick from the apple tree, after you find out that there's candy inside, one of your favorite things in the whole world besides popsicles.
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